RAGS everything is rags and there's nobody to blame but me and it would be so easy if there was no one to hurt but me but now everything that I do comin' out of me will just tear through you in and out of you up and down your life like a curse cast by the only son of rags who would wrap you up in all the finest tatters but he wanted nothin' more, my loved one, than to wrap you up in joy but it never be with me you and I are like two worlds not meant to collide Death to each other in the unravelling of time so how do you... how do you like it? what kind of dream would you call it to have one foot in Eden one foot in Hell to be always numb Plagued by demons Summoned by Angels at the same time, endlessly But I will burn me right out of this place I will lay you down to sleep so when you wake I'll be gone and You will remember Nothing You will remember Nothing