Good Old Days Oh some times I think back to when I was younger life was so much simpler then Dad would be up at dawn, he'd be watering the lawn or maybe going fishing again Oh and mom would be fixing up something in the kitchen fresh biscuits or hot apple pie and I'd spend all day long in the basement torturing rats with a hack-saw and pulling the wings off of flies Those were the good ol' days those were the good ol' days years go by, but the memories fade and those were the good ol' days I still remember good ol' Mr. Fender who ran the corner grocery store always strolled down the ailes with a big friendly smile and he'd say howdy when you walked through the door Always treated me nice, gave me kindly advice I don't know why I set fire to his place Oh I'll never forget the day I smashed in his head Oh you shoulda seen the look on his face let me tell ya 'bout it... CHORUS CHORUS Do you remember sweet Michele, she was my high school romance she was fun to talk to and nice to smell so I took her to the homecoming dance then I tied her to a chair and I shaved off all her hair and I left her in the desert all alone Oh sometimes in my dreams I can still hear the screams Oh I wander if she ever made it home.... I tell ya... CHORUS